Ibiza - Mallorca

The Ibiza Vibe


The Ibiza Vibe

Ibiza atmosphere & experience

A small-scaled project with a good feeling for
atmosphere and experience. This location is out of
the box, different. Something you won’t want
to leave once you’re in...

The location has five types of accommodations. All
unique on it’s own. One thing is for sure, this is
glaming in style. Attention to details, for your comfort and privacy.

With 56 luxurious rooms/cabins and the option for buy out this is an ideal spot for a small company that need privacy and want to experience soomething authentic.

Meetings need to be done in either the yoga space or outside. Ideal fora  mix where the focus is more on team building then work sessions.

Sport facilities like a football court, beach volley, table tennis and the options for electrical mountainbiking are available.


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More locations

Barcelona (ES), Girona (ES), Ibiza - Mallorca, Madrid, Tarragona

Offsite Camping Spain

  • Campsites with accommodations from 10 till 150 people
  • Recently rebuild and redesigned
  • Modern, luxurious and well-equipped
  • Natural environment with lots of space
  • meeting rooms available
  • Exclusivity option: some locations offer buyout options
  • Extra´s: swimming pool, spa, restaurants, extra activities depending on locations
  • 7 locations throughout Spain
  • Between 45 min and 1,5 hours from airports
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Girona (ES)

Offsite Hotel in Nature Spain

  • Northern Spain inland
  • 12 rooms
  • up to 20 single beds (room sharing)
  • No specific meeting room, work outdoors or from the restaurant
  • Restaurant
  • Exclusivity option: yes
  • Extra´s: Natural Pool, Mini Tennis, Vegetable garden, Animals, Spa Hammam
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